
Mobile Games: User Acquisition, Retention, Monetization & Case Studies

Mobile games are digital gaming experiences designed specifically for play on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. They encompass a wide range of genres from casual games like puzzle and card games to more complex role-playing and strategy games. The rise of mobile gaming has been driven by advancements in smartphone technology, improved internet […]

Matej Lancaric: The Story of a Solopreneur

The Journey of a Solopreneur: Finding Success in Being Yourself Hey there, fellow solopreneurs, aspiring entrepreneurs, and gaming industry peers! Today, I want to take you on an unfiltered and candid journey of seasoned solopreneur in the gaming industry – Myself! (HA!). Buckle up and get ready to dive into my raw and real experiences […]


User acquisition mobile games consulting

Gentlemen’s s.r.o., Cukrová 2376/6, 811 08 Bratislava, Slovakia
IČO: 47877138, DIČ: 2024137797, IČ DPH: SK2024137797