Why playable ads kick ass in UA: 101 guide
Beginners guide to ASO! Enjoy
Helping several talented developers across the globe with multi-channel user acquisition strategies, soft launch and global launch planning and general marketing/business advisory.
I have been in the games industry for ten years. I am a true mobile marketing enthusiast currently working as an User Acquisition consultant. I develop multi-channel acquisition strategies and marketing campaigns that are designed to drive the overall growth for our partners. I have been helping several talented developers across the globe with multi-channel user acquisition strategies, soft launch and global launch planning and general marketing/business advisory
User acquisition mobile games consulting
Gentlemen’s s.r.o., Cukrová 2376/6, 811 08 Bratislava, Slovakia
IČO: 47877138, DIČ: 2024137797, IČ DPH: SK2024137797