two & a half gamers session #24 – 1 year after IDFA Apocalypse. State of the UA, Admon & retargeting


Welcome to our #24 episode of two & half gamers! In this episode we covered various topics:

We will be discussing one year after the IDFA “apocalypse” & tectonic shifts happened. Everything UA, Ad monetisation, retargeting and Skan 4.0 related.  Whoop whoop! 

  • 2:34 How did our day to day job changed after IDFA bullshit happened?
  • 8:05 Felix, you had some (secret) tips and tricks on how to increase it. Could you share? Why should companies test out pre-prompt windows?
  • 12:10 How do gaming companies look at retargeting in general? Or, how was it before IDFA and how is it now? Is it a significant % of their spend?
  • 13:20 How to incorporate retargeting spend into UA costs / CPIs?
  • 16:44 How do MMP approach retargeting? 
  • 19:47 Retargeting & control groups!
  • 20:16 How to approach retargeting on iOS?
  • 22:52 UA & Retargeting is dead
  • 24:06 Were companies pulling back spend on iOS? 
  • 26:27 Apple recently announced SKAN 4.0. Without going too geeky, what can we expect? How are these changes going to affect measurement?
  • 31:00 Tip for SKAN 4.0
  • 32:00 No SKAN no problem for retargeting
  • 32:30 Creative testing on retargeting
  • 33:30 Which game genres have the highest opt-in rates from what you can see? And why?
  • 35:00 Singular Product innovations for iOS
  • 36:50 IDFA dinosaurs vs Google privacy sandbox
  • 41:00 iOS LTV prediction
  • 42:00 last comments, tips & tricks, recommendations

Panelists: Kate LovejoyNiels BeenenFelix BrabergMatej Lančarič

Listen in to learn more! 

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