Playable Ads case study! How we increase D7 ROAS by 50% on Unity Ads.

Playable Ads case study! How we increase D7 ROAS by 50% on Unity Ads.


The Ultimate UA winner of 2021 was most certainly Unity ads. Unity Ads delivers quality performance at scale, especially ROAS and Ad ROAS campaigns. Unity is one of the few UA channels that allows you to run AdROAS campaigns.

Thanks to Playable end cards we are able to consistently reach our ROAS targets, reduce the cost of in-app purchases, and reach highly engaged users at a higher volume than before.

What is an interactive Playable End card?

An interactive Playable End card is a creative that appears after a video ad and encourages users to try out your app. Video ads and interactive Playable End cards add a layer of engagement at the end of a regular 15-30 second video ad.

What are playable ads?

Playable ads are interactive advertisements that allow users to engage directly with a demo or trial version of a mobile game or app before deciding to download or purchase it. Playable ads are animated and interactive ad formats that give the user the flavor of the app or a short experience of gameplay without the need to actually download it. Of course, the Playable ads have some technical limitations so the experience will not be 100% real, but it is a clear approximation of reality. Usually, Playable ads show the best part of the game so when the user is finished playing with the ad, they already know what to expect from the app. Once the snapshot of the game ends, a call-to-action (CTA) is displayed so the user can install the game if they want to.

What Was the Test Scope for Playable Ads Case Study?

The test scope for playable ads case study was designed to evaluate the performance of Unity Ads. The primary focus was on the US market, which is one of the largest mobile gaming markets globally. The test was conducted on Android devices over a two-month period to gather comprehensive and high-quality data. As we mentioned at the beginning we used Unity Ads as a network for the purpose of testing. Unity Ads is still our ultimate winner in terms of performance and the targeted country was the US as it is one of the biggest mobile gaming markets across the globe. The test was conducted on Android for a period of two months, in order to get good quality and strong data to draw our conclusions.

How ROAS D7 was increased while cutting cost per purchase by 15% in the US market?

Following are the key takeaways from playable ads user acquisition case study . According to data, you can see that Unity Ads pushes more spending by almost 60% into the creatives with an interactive end card. Same video creatives with Playable end cards had an almost 50% higher D7 ROAS even though the CPI was 45% higher for Playable End cards.

When we compared the results for the cost per purchase coming from the playable end card, we saw that the cost fell by 15% vs the Static End card. Same trend we saw on cost per payer, where the costs fell by 9% in favor of Playable End cards.


Mobile gaming is a highly competitive industry, and consistency in growth is only possible with continued creative testing and campaign optimization. Unity Ads is one of a few channels where we were able to run playable end cards successfully. Unity interactive end cards are another step for marketers to stand out and increase creative performance. 

Simple as that. Get those playables up and running. What are you waiting for?

Don’t forget. Creatives are about emotions. Nothing else!

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