two & a half gamers session #21 – How to run efficient UA on TikTok? TikTok’s explosive growth
Welcome to our #21 episode of two & half gamers! In this episode we covered various topics:
- 1:30 Explicit ads (Breaker Fun 1 & 2 by MoGame)
- https://res1.applovin.com/o7e02c07/c90fed39eb8753b02925462885680884e45f69e9_v23_phone.mp4
- https://res1.applovin.com/o7e02c07/723bb9954d431db13fbbad23fc66e1546398d74b_v23_phone.mp4
- Google Play SDK Index – https://play.google.com/sdks
- 6:30 Bobby Kotick voted to be re-elected to board by Activision Blizzard shareholders
- https://www.pocketgamer.biz/news/79039/bobby-kotck-voted-re-elected-board-activision-blizzard-shareholders/
- 8:03 Meta Reveals VR Headset Prototypes Designed to Make VR ‘Indistinguishable From Reality
- https://www.roadtovr.com/meta-vr-headset-prototypes-visual-fidelity-indistinguishable-from-reality/
- 11:20 TikTok’s ByteDance Generates $1 Billion From Mobile Games in One Year
- https://sensortower.com/blog/bytedance-mobile-games-one-billion-revenue
- 16:50 Tiktok rocket ship
- Slope after hitting $10bn in revenue what happens after that
- Report from May 2022 said Tiktok is on track to triple it’s ad revenue passing revenue of Twitter and Snap Tiktok (only) triple from $3.8bn in 2021 to $11.6bn in 2022 (200% increase) Those numbers don’t lie – you can’t reach this scale without advertisers getting value Thought that could be a nice segway into Matej doing a state of the tiktok
- 19:20 Tiktok UA intro
- 20:15 Tiktok Fun facts (location targeting restrictions)
- 29:00 Pangle issues
- 33:00 UA best practices
- 39:00 US Purchase campaign (FB vs tiktok CPI comparison)
- 39:40 UA challenges
- 42:30 Initial campaign structure & targeting
- 44:00 “predictions”
Panelists: Jakub Remiar, Felix Braberg, Matej Lančarič
Listen in to learn more!
Please share feedback and comments – matej@lancaric.me