two & a half gamers session #25 – Does Ubisoft give a F! about mobile games?
Welcome to our #25 episode of two & half gamers! In this episode we covered various topics:
Today we’ll be discussing Ubisoft
- 1:18 Some general information on Ubisoft:
- Let’s dive into the first sets of numbers!
- Ubisoft is as all of you know a French company which is also reflected in their 2021 annual financial statement. The cover page which you’re greeted by has a picture of two playable characters that are looking down on you with a look of sheer superiority. Ubisoft was founded by Yves Guillemot, who still leads the company as its CEO and largest shareholder with an 18% stake.
- 7:41 Felix speaks French about Ubisoft mobile
- 8:21 Ubisoft mobile portfolio general info & revenues
- 23:50 Insider South Park info
- 25:00 Idle miner OG idle game + all other new IDLE games
- 29:00 Ubisoft non-mobile portfolio info
- 32:20 User Acquisition intro
- 33:20 UA spend
- 34:08 Main UA channels
- 36:10 Creatives FB vs Google
- 8:20 UA suggestions
- 42:00 Kolibri UA
- 42:30 Kolibri main UA channel
- 44:00 Admon intro
- 47:10 Kolibri Admon
- 50:00 Greenpanda games admon
- 50:30 1492 admon
Panelists: Niels Beenen, Felix Braberg, Matej Lančarič,
Listen in to learn more!
Please share feedback and comments – matej@lancaric.me