two & a half gamers session #26 – Unpacking Google ads “disaster”, ASA Today’s new ad…
Welcome to our #26 episode of two & half gamers! In this episode we covered various topics:
Today we’ll be discussing Ubisoft
- 3:00 Better Ads Experiences by Google https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/12253906
- 11:50 New App store ads in Today tab https://www.macrumors.com/2022/07/29/new-app-store-ads-today-tab/
- 19:10 Google joins bidder on Max https://www.applovin.com/blog/google-joins-sdk-bidders-on-max/
- 26:20 What would you ask surprise segment about fake ads, scaling games, VR, intrusive ads and more ..
Panelists: Niels Beenen, Felix Braberg, Matej Lančarič,
Listen in to learn more!
Please share feedback and comments – matej@lancaric.me