two & a half gamers session #37 – Marvel Snap global launch case study UA, GD, Admon view
Welcome to our #37 episode of two & half gamers! In this episode we covered various topics:
- 00:00 Intro
- 03:20 Second Dinner company intro
- 05:40 Jakub being rude!
- 06:50 Channel mix (Facebook is the biggest spender)
- 07:30 How to stop pouring UA money down the drain
- 08:55 GEO revenue mix
- 09:40 GEO mix both Android and iOS in terms of spend
- 10:45 Shotgun UA approach
- 11:30 how to run CCG UA on ad networks?
- 15:05 Tiktok UA strategy
- 16:50 Creative strategy
- 21:42 Admon intro
- 22:55 Ads vs Marvel license?
- 24:50 Highest AdARPDAUs
- 25:00 Ad realm of speculations
- 26:40 Missing out on $500k of Ads?
- 28:10 Game design & Second dinner team intro
- 28:45 Good old mulligan
- 31:00 Gwent vs Marvel Snap comparison
- 33:45 what can you buy for hard cold cash?
- 34:00 pre-scripted pools of cards
- 37:30 Rock-paper-scissors
- 39:20 You can’t speed up the game with money!
- 40:50 calculating the spending depth
- 45:57 Win rate increases retention
Panelists: Jakub Remiar, Felix Braberg, Matej Lančarič,
Listen in to learn more!
Please share feedback and comments – matej@lancaric.me