two & a half gamers session #51 – Live Special @ Gamesforum Barcelona
Welcome to our #51 episode of two & half gamers! In this episode we covered various topics:
- 00:00 Intro
- 03:20 Ad monetization tips & numbers
- 13:12 UA outlook for 2023
- 20:38 Game design & creatives part
Panelists: Jakub Remiar, Felix Braberg, Matej Lančarič,
Special Guest: Nicolas Vereecke
Check out – FOGDAO (https://www.futureofgaming.wtf/)
Hit the Subscribe button on Youtube, Spotify, and Apple!
If you are interested in getting UA tips every week on Monday, visit lancaric.me and sign up for the Brutally Honest newsletter by Matej Lancaric
Dumb ways to die hit the #1 download rank in the US. Here is how: https://lancaric.me/ua-how-to-be-top1-downloaded-game-us/
Listen in to learn more!
Please share feedback and comments – matej@lancaric.me