two & a half gamers session #53 – Eversoul, a trending waifu game with full GD, UA, Admon review
Welcome to our #53 episode of two & half gamers! In this episode we covered various topics:
- 00:00 Intro
- 01:05 Numbers Chit chat
- 03:22 No official multiple Admob statement (ask your admob rep)
- 05:00 Matej = Felix’s secretary
- 05:28 Kimono session
- 06:11 Eversoul intro
- 07:02 Why are we even reviewing this (boring) game?
- 09:05 Full admon part in 2 seconds
- 09:39 Why games from the east don’t have ads?
- 10:41 Camera zooms in on Jakub’s premium BS
- 12:55 UA intro
- 14:12 Mr. Gachapool got introduced to the podcast
- 15:08 Comparing Eversoul to the Goddess of Nikke
- 16:54 UA dark secrets spilled by Mr.Gachapool
- 17:17 UA channel mix
- 18:22 Actual gameplay in the creatives
- 19:06 Creative strategy
- 21:35 Flamboyant UA strategy for Eversoul
- 24:52 Collabs in anime games
- 27:16 Starting to share gameplay of Eversoul
- 27:37 Game design Eversoul intro
- 33:51 Jakub talking about two different progressions
- 34:53 Please keep the story
- 35:23 Big +1 feature – engagement prolonging tactic
- 36:30 Felix looks really confused
- 37:04 Why is the game making so much money? GACHAPOOOOOL!
- 37:24 Can you buy a ticket to the waifu concert?
- 38:10 Infinite starter banner
- 43:27 Waifu games are saving mobile!
- 46:15 Get back to the podcast Jakub!
Panelists: Jakub Remiar, Felix Braberg, Matej Lančarič,
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