two & half gamers session #5 – Surprise crypto comments & How to tackle soft launch stages?


Welcome to our #5 episode of two & half gamers! In this episode we covered various topics:

  • Soft launch stages
  • Game developers are obsessed with achieving the highest D1 retention
  • The monetization stage is where the fun starts
  • And more news from gaming industry

Panelists: Jakub Remiar, Felix BrabergMatej Lančarič

What is the point of releasing a new game or app to a restricted audience market in advance of a full launch?

Soft launch stages

I like to divide the soft launch into three stages: Technical, Retention, Monetization. Each stage serves a different purpose and different KPIs are measured.

While in the Technical stage, we are mostly focusing on data health, crash rate, and tracking in general, in the Retention stage we measure D1, D3, D7 Retention, FTUE, tutorial completion rate, and much more.

Game developers are obsessed with achieving the highest D1 retention numbers they can, but D1 is not the holy grail. I’ve seen games with D1 retention at roughly 25% still being able to generate many millions of Euros in revenue per month. The result was primarily driven by excellent D60 retention, which was 6-8%. Therefore, it is absolutely crucial to focus on the ratio between D1, D3, and D7.

The monetization stage is where the fun starts. Measuring ARPU, conversion to payment, and Dx ROAS requires running purchase (ROAS) oriented campaigns: AEO/VO on Facebook or tCPA/tROAS on Google Ads.

Listen in to learn more! or read here!

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