two & a half gamers session #33 – The UA (r)evolution, from fake ads to fake core gameplay in games
Welcome to our #33 episode of two & half gamers! In this episode we covered various topics:
- 00:00 Intro
- 05:00 Why developers use fake ads?
- 06:00 Why is it happening?
- 08:00 Reviews?
- 12:00 Facebook banning the fake ads? how about nope
- 13:20 Fake ads as a funnel
- 14:30 What affects the CPI?
- 16:50 fake core gameplay as an evolving trend
- 18:30 evolution fake ads
- 24:00 8 million a month revenue for 5 year old game with 0 changes
- 27:20 Is Jakub a changed man after getting covid?
- 27:30 Is Kingdom Guard a tower defense? WRONG!
- 34:40 X-Hero example
- 36:00 Fake ads = game play illusion
- 37:00 Best predictor of creative performance?
- 38:20 End cards
- 39:10 3 click end card template
- 42:55 “You don’t need to have great creatives”, Felix
- 45:20 Real data for longer end cards
Panelists: Jakub Remiar, Felix Braberg, Matej Lančarič,
Listen in to learn more!
Please share feedback and comments – matej@lancaric.me