two & a half gamers session #48 – Could Frozen City earn 80% more revenue? Full UA, Admon, GD review
Welcome to our #48 episode of two & half gamers! In this episode we covered various topics:
- 00:00 Intro
- 01:45 User Acquisition
- 02:25 Frozen City fun stuff
- 03:22 Top 10 countries in terms of revenues
- 04:08 UA channel mix
- 04:45 120 creatives running on Facebook
- 05:17 UA channel mix on Android
- 06:00 Are Idle games scaling especially on Applovin?
- 06:25 Publisher analysis
- 07:10 Low poly
- 07:31 Is high art style quality bringing more IAPs?
- 08:35 Mr.UA Felix has a strong opinion
- 09:34 Adikteev cross-promo!
- 10:06 Frozen City Creatives
- 12:28 Jakub is complaining because of creatives!
- 14:05 Would you spend in Frozen city?
- 14:28 6.5 Maven Matejs out of 10
- 15:10 Ad monetisation intro about Frozen City
- 16:35 Felix pulls off an epic intro
- 17:05 Ad placements
- 17:58 IAP whales vs Ad whales
- 18:32 Secret Ad placement guess
- 18:48 New Ad Placement ideas & recommendations
- 20:38 7 DAU per user gives $1 in D14 LTV
- 20:57 Mad Ad mon MATH happening
- 21:20 Please put an ad to skip night!
- 22:46 Mediation info
- 23:01 Pls update app-ads.txt to get 10% ad revenue
- 23:43 Felix pulls off an epic intro about potential revenue (decimals)
- 25:50 Jakub pulls off an epic intro about Game design of Frozen City
- 26:11 A History lesson
- 34:10 Everything is easy for Jakub
- 35:15 Frozen City event setup
- 35:37 Non-prominent Ad placements
- 36:15 Internal fights against ads?
- 36:40 People begging to get ads (and Felix too!)
- 37:25 Modes of Frozen city
- 38:10 $1.5Mil revenue in the first month
- 39:00 Why not put more ads in the game?
- 40:35 Catch your breath for an ad in Call of Duty!
- 41:38 Frozen city could earn 80% more revenue
Panelists: Jakub Remiar, Felix Braberg, Matej Lančarič,
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