two & a half gamers session #49 – How to leverage User Churn Prediction? Why is it important?
Welcome to our #49 episode of two & half gamers! In this episode we covered various topics:
- 00:00 Intro
- 01:07 Clem & Cam intros
- 04:50 PGC conference quick review & comments
- 09:18 Definition of User Churn
- 11:49 How to look at User Churn prediction?
- 18:04 how reliable are predictions when a new UA channel comes in?
- 19:05 Explaining AUC measures?
- 20:33 What to do with the User Churn prediction models?
- 31:28 How early could you predict churn?
- 37:12 What kind of uplift could I expect?
Panelists: Jakub Remiar, Felix Braberg, Matej Lančarič,
Special guests: Clement Favier & Cameron Thom
Learn more about Adikteev: https://bit.ly/3Dp1f5k
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If you are interested in getting UA tips every week on Monday, visit lancaric.me and sign up for the Brutally Honest newsletter by Matej Lancaric
Latest blog: https://lancaric.me/how-to-choose-an-mmp-in-a-privacy-centric-mobile-ecosystem/
Adikteev’s latest blog: https://www.adikteev.com/blog/how-to-face-the-80-d1-churn-rate
Listen in to learn more!
Please share feedback and comments – matej@lancaric.me