two & a half gamers session #50 – Deep analysis of the current web3 market, implications & future
Welcome to our #50 episode of two & half gamers! In this episode we covered various topics:
- 00:00 Intro
- 01:20 Nico intro
- 01:42 FOGDAO
- 02:40 Special honorable mention – Zaair!
- 04:00 Recap of our session #7 with Nico! Listen here https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/…
- 05:15 Terra & FTX collapses
- 09:24 Grants in Web3
- 10:00 What is not a risk in Web3?
- 10:22 How to choose a blockchain to build on properly?
- 15:50 FTX follow-ups?
- 18:00 Lot of web3 companies are getting into trouble!
- 19:05 What happened to Axie infinity?
- 21:10 Borrowing term mice nuts from TWIG! Thanks
- 23:20 State of Axie infinity at the end of 2023
- 25:25 UA in web3 is extremely challenging for non-UA gaming people
- 27:34 iOS guidelines for web3
- 29:55 Superbowl & web3 ads
- 31:20 Digidaigaku thesis
- 36:00 Apex legends mobile is dead, blockchain would help!
- 37:10 You have nothing even on the blockchain!
- 37:45 On-chain games live forever
- 38:30 Voodoo moves into crypto space
- 41:39 Bullshit articles from agencies
- 42:34 Square Enix in web3
- 44:30 What kind of company will release a big web3 hit?
- 47:00 Game as a whitelist for NFT sale
- 48:22 Where would the raised money go?
- 50:00 Lot of people got super rich early!
- 52:00 Jakub goes on and on and on with his suuuper long question
- 56:25 We will see AI being used in very weird places
- 57:14 Is there any web3 game launch in 2023 to look forward to?
- Please share the podcast with your industry friends, dogs & cats. Especially cats! They love it!
Panelists: Jakub Remiar, Felix Braberg, Matej Lančarič,
Special Guest: Nicolas Vereecke
Check out – FOGDAO (https://www.futureofgaming.wtf/)
Hit the Subscribe button on Youtube, Spotify, and Apple!
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Please share feedback and comments – matej@lancaric.me