two & a half gamers session #58 – SSSnaker & Habby metagame framework full UA, GD & Admon review
Welcome to our #58 episode of two & half gamers! In this episode we covered various topics:
- 00:00 Intro
- 00:50 Special guest Philips
- 02:47 Jakub goes full systems & vectors on Diablo 4
- 04:50 SSSnaker introduction
- 05:00 SSSSSSSSSnakeeeeer
- 06:14 SSSSnake jazzzzz
- 07:40 SSSSnaker Ad mon analysis time
- 08:29 7 Jakub’s sons = 1 Katarina
- 08:39 two noobs & one gamer
- 10:06 Jakub is having some technical issues
- 10:25 Showing the actual gameplay with ad placements
- 11:38 six rewarded videos placements
- 12:58 SSSnaker makes around $17-20k ad revenue per day
- 14:25 Could SSSnaker be making 30-40% ad revenue?
- 15:10 Philips is an SSSnaker noob
- 18:11 SSSSnake jazzzzz
- 19:32 Flamboyant UA intro & country breakdown
- 21:54 Survivor.io & SSSnaker global launch numbers comparison
- 22:11 Soft launch review
- 25:00 Creatives
- 26:37 UGC creative deep dive
- 27:18 14862.23 USD for a creative?
- 28:11 How do AI creatives perform against real people?
- 32:00 UA channel mix
- 33:00 Behind the curtains deal?
- 35:11 Retention comparison Habby games vs. action category
- 39:14 Habby monetization framework
- 41:00 Hypercasual is dead
- 41:50 No more ASMR background noise 🙁
- 42:36 Snake master vs. SSSnaker – gameplay comparison
- 43:21 Life lesson no.1 – play with the keyboard
- 44:03 We hope you get killed!
- 45:32 Unfolding gameplay
- 45:54 It would take generations of Felixes to get to world 11
- 47:21 Is Habby the new Voodoo?
- 48:20 It’s all about the efficiency
- 49:00 Is Habby publishing two more games in 2023?
- 50:00 This episode is brought to you by stuck Felix
- 53:16 Jesper is amazing!
Panelists: Jakub Remiar, Felix Braberg, Matej Lančarič,
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