
My Perfect Hotel – Idle Arcade Hybrid casual UA case study

A city-building simulation game set in an ice and snow apocalypse. As the chief of the last town on Earth, you have to gather resources and rebuild society. Collect resources, assign workers, explore the wilderness, conquer tough surroundings, and use various methods in order to survive.

Will AI finally kill UA?

According to Twitter, AI will code the next billion dollar SaaS product from scratch. AI will also write a Drake song better than Drake himself. Fuck it – AI might be writing this entire article (at least one of these are true…the Drake one). AI is so hyped right now that it almost feels like […]

Supercell’s Floodrush: First look! UA & game design review

This article was written by Jakub Remiar & Matej Lancaric! Floodrush is an interesting mix of battle royale with clash royale style unit placement and controls. It seems as if SuperCell was iterating on the idea of multiple unit entities, as this is in both Squad Busters and Floodrush. In contrast, as the player’s power […]

Squad Busters: First Look at the Supercell new game in Soft launch!

They’ve done it again! New game in the soft launch. New game to be killed. Potentially. You never know with Supercell. Well, I guess there is always an 80% chance the new game in the soft launch will be killed. Anyway, there is the new soft launched kid on the Supercell block called Squad Busters! […]

11 tips for killer User Acquisition ops (Q2 version)

Yo! Enjoy these few tips that will help you to improve your UA Operations. If don't, at least you spent few minutes reading and not working. Sit back, relax & enjoy the winter Q2 edition and share this with your UA friends. They will love you!

Unleash the Slime: Global Case Study. How to supercharge their UA?

Legend of Slime: Idle RPG is an action RPG. It is a role-playing game with both arena and online idle RPG game elements. This game provides an excellent item system, hundreds of weapons, and the defenses are divided into several different levels.

8 Must-haves before the post-IDFA Soft Launch

You know the situation. Your game is finally in the stage where it is ready to soft launch, investors need to see the first numbers, and yesterday was already too late. I was often in a similar situation when developers uploaded a new app/game to the store and told me, ” Please, can you launch […]

Story of the Dancing Unicorn: the reality of a UA Manager

Today was a good day. But it took many good and bad days to get to the consistently good ones.

SSSnaker & Habby hybrid casual case study

SSSnaker is a shooter, attacker, and single-player game developed by HABBY PTE LTD. In this game, the player plays the game through the perspective of our main protagonist snake of the game.

How could Frozen City earn 273% more ad revenue?

A city-building simulation game set in an ice and snow apocalypse. As the chief of the last town on Earth, you have to gather resources and rebuild society. Collect resources, assign workers, explore the wilderness, conquer tough surroundings, and use various methods in order to survive.

User Acquisition – The New Frontier of Game Development

Mobile f2p is dead, thanks to Apple! How many times did you hear that? UA is dead, because of ATT.. blablabla. Jesus fucking Christ!

Frozen City post-IDFA global launch UA case study

A city-building simulation game set in an ice and snow apocalypse. As the chief of the last town on Earth, you have to gather resources and rebuild society. Collect resources, assign workers, explore the wilderness, conquer tough surroundings, and use various methods in order to survive.


User acquisition mobile games consulting

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